09 January 2011

Coach's Big Day

Coach Wilkins would later remember that day as the turning point in his life. When Johnny asked him to massage his injured back after practice, Coach tried to force those recurring thoughts from his mind, those thoughts that had plagued him for years.

But when the lad moaned softly whilst Coach ran his hand gently over his warm skin, he couldn't deny his cock was beginning to harden. The youth's ripe smell of innocence mixed with sweat was like a forbidden ambrosia to him. When Johnny murmured "lower sir," Coach found his eyes couldn't stop staring at the musky, fuzzy cleft between his tight young buttocks.

Coach protested at first when Johnny reached around and forced the older man's hand still lower, right to the hole itself. When the lad moaned, "put them inside now, Coach, please," the older man finally experienced what he had long desired when his strong fingers began to probe his star player's virgin bunghole.


  1. Love the story Will.

  2. Anonymous11:10

    Seriously Will, your have a way with a story. You need to write erotica full time.

    Nice job--


  3. Would love to read mroe of this story.


  4. Love a good locker room story...

  5. Anonymous05:54

    Not a word. Nothing...

    - John

  6. Anonymous11:21

    for some reason i cant see the image; is tat due to the source meltdown?

  7. Anonymous11:22

    Oh lord! where is the image?

  8. Image host was apparently down for a few minutes. Everything's back now.

  9. Anonymous15:50

    happy new year Will. been away and this is my first chance to check in. it must be my lucky day or the stars must somehow be aligned in my favor. working backwards, chronologically, first i'm reminded of a tender memory from my college days and a teaching asst. and now this...this takes me back to high school, my wrestling coach and many hours of happiness. many, many thanks Will.


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