29 May 2015

The Alumni Adviser

The Fratmen lads usually don't do much for me because they seem too young and interchangeable. There are exceptions, however, and this bloke is one of them.

Perhaps it's because he looks too old to be a fraternity member and that's why I'm attracted to him. He graduated five or six years ago and now he's the alumni adviser.

When I was in college, some of the hottest eye candy were the teaching assistants. They were always graduate students and in their later twenties. I had huge crushes on two of them. Both were very sweet and hot but unfortunately straight and pussy obsessed.

The originals for these photos are larger than they appear below and total fifteen in number. They're archived online here (mirror here). Alternatively, you can download all of them in a free zipped folder here.


  1. Anonymous06:48

    Perfecto. Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

  2. Anonymous10:39

    Man like to ride you and fuck and suck that beautiful cock

  3. Anonymous10:41

    Man love to take you down the throat and up the ass man


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