17 March 2016

Another Tomas

For the second time this week, a lad allegedly named Tomas is featured. That's the new black in porn names apparently.

This Tomas is Czech, in his twenties, and supposedly a computer programmer. I'm guessing he's straight, because the way he's shaved his pubes seems like something a woman would make a man do.

He has a very nice body and above average uncut cock, so the pube shaving can be forgiven. Just chain him to the bed for two months and it'll all grow back nicely.

I do not believe this lad has done anything other than this solo shoot, so it would be nice to see him sharing some sexy time with another man. That hairy hole is just begging to be popped.

The originals for these photos are larger than they appear below and total more than one hundred in number. To download the complete set in a free zipped folder, you should click here.


  1. Nice looking guy but a weird shave job. Love a guy with his legs up showing his butt hole.

  2. Anonymous09:15

    Making a "guess" as to a guy's sexuality could be taken as an indication your Gaydar is malfunctioning.

    1. My guess was based on the botched shaving job, which looks like something a woman would make a man do. A gay man would do a better job.

  3. Anonymous14:40

    El también esta lindo Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

  4. Dreamy. I like how buff he is.


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