19 April 2016

Comma Cock

In contrast to the overly buffed, plucked, and salon-tanned models, John here looks like a hot "ordinary" bloke you might spot at the gym. He doesn't seem to tan and leaves his body hair largely untouched. Personally, I think lads like this are more desirable than perfectly groomed models.

He has a nice cock that's above average with a cute little curve to it where Mother Nature gave him a little tweak. It sort of looks like a comma when it gets hard. I would like to see him punctuate with that.

The originals for these photos are larger than they appear below and total more than forty in number. You may download the complete set in a free zipped folder here.


  1. Anonymous07:33

    Interesante comparación. Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

  2. He is cute with a winning smile great body and a ginormous dick but I would like to see a little more tan

  3. Anonymous11:22

    Is it just me or are guys that are stripping down to be photographed not as hot or sexy as they use to be? It seems the last number of guys Ive seen on line that are doing nude shots are just so so very ordinary and just don't have that extra edge of sexiness. To me, its just one more body with a penis and very plain and ordinary. Where have all the hot men gone? Long time ago!!! Remember the ol Colt guys? Now they were sexy and photographed to be that way.

  4. Anonymous20:08

    He has sexy hands.


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