23 August 2016

Clark Grows Up

Clark is seen in all the shots below. In the first three, you can see he's alone, and these were shot first when his hair was longer. The glasses give him a sort of student body president look, and the hairstyle makes him seem like a fit twinky.

In the last four shots, you can see him just a few months later. He has a new haircut, and I think that makes him look more mature and masculine. Sometimes little things can make a big difference.

Clark also has a fantastic muscular butt. In the three shoots he's done with other blokes so far, he always topped and provides the audience with an excellent view of his butt whilst he pounds his lovers' asses.

The originals for these photos are larger than they appear below and total nearly seventy in number, taken from four shoots of Clark alone and fucking three different lads. To download the complete group in a free zipped folder, you should click here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous06:58

    Muy interesante evolución.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta


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