27 October 2016

Field of Wet Dreams

This lad has a very nice body. He also appears to be quite tall. I'm not a big fan of manbuns, but at least that's better than floppy hair all over like a girl.

Other than a purported name of Kenneth, the producer provided no details about him other than he played baseball for a long time. Nothing about his weight, height, or age. I'm guessing he's somewhere around thirty.

The originals for these photos are larger than they appear below and total fourteen in number. To download the complete set in a free zipped folder, be sure to click here.


  1. Yeah I'm not much of a man bun kinda guy either but I'll gladly do his manly buns.

  2. Anonymous04:46

    Un hombre es un hombre.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta


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