Here's one bold-faced lie not mentioned in the seventeen whoppers. Trump said the following during yesterday's event, and I quote verbatim: "I am the least anti-Semitic person that you've ever seen in your entire life. Number two, racism, the least racist person."
That's right: Trump is claiming to be the "least racist person."
Sorry, Donny, but that's a huge load of bullshit.
Donald Trump and his father once repeatedly refused to rent apartments to African-Americans. Flat-out refused. The Trumps were sued by multiple plaintiffs as a result and settled out of court because they knew they were going to lose (link here).
Refusing to rent to a particular race is not the act of the "least racist person." Of the most-racist person, not the least. It's the action of a bigot.
This is a classic example of Trump claiming to be one thing when in fact he's the exact opposite. He does that frequently.
Which brings us to the upside-down rainbow flag and the claim that Trump is pro-LGBT. Once again, Trump's record shows that he's the exact opposite of what he pretends to be.
By surrounding himself with anti-LGBT zealots in the highest ranks of his administration, by admiring anti-LGBT reactionaries like Vladimir Putin and Roy Cohn, by supporting anti-LGBT legislation like the fraudulently titled "First Amendment Defense Act," Trump is showing what he really is -- someone contemptuous of LGBT Americans.
Actions speak louder than words.

El pez muere por la boca.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta
ReplyDeleteThe upside-down gay flag this has always bothered me. I believe that flying the American flag upside down is a distress signal, a call for help.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard enough to keep it up with those looks much less the politics