04 March 2010

Vic Is Back

The always kinky "Sir to You Pigs" featured an image of classic musclegod Vic Seipke this week. That reminded me I posted a bunch of Vic 1950s shots here on my blog last year.

This is as good an occasion as any to post more of this spectacular deity. These images today are undated but likely are all from the 1950s and 60s.

I read recently he's still in excellent health and works out three times a week. He will turn seventy-eight next month.


  1. Anonymous12:34

    To think that back in the day, pics like these were the closest thing gay men had to porn.

  2. Anonymous02:03

    Superb! I wish him many more years to come.

  3. Anonymous07:18

    Does Vic Seipke have a web site that I could contact him. I think he was and still today a man with one of the most outstanding physiques ever.

    I am just so interested in him and would love to see how he looks today and what he is doing.



  4. Steven, I don't know if he has a website. Google does not turn up anything.

  5. Anonymous09:43

    I also would love to contact Vic. To me he is the epitome of manhood... then and now (today men do not even come close to his virility). Today it is all centered on the penis, then the body comes second. In his days, a man was a man.



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