He was standing directly in my line of sight, only some three feet away. About 6'2" and very muscular with big shoulders, he wore scruffy coveralls unzipped to about his navel, revealing he had no shirt on underneath and a nice furry pelt. By the way his package moved in his crotch, I suspect he was both well hung and naked underneath his coveralls.
The service station had one of those annoying flatscreen TVs that play endless commercials and he made an earthy remark to me about that. I replied with something unremarkable, then he asked me about my car. Notwithstanding he had a scruffy, scowling expression on his face, he was very chatty and friendly. We ended up talking about nothing in particular for maybe ten minutes whilst we also both went inside to buy a beverage.
The guy below reminded me of the truck driver at the service station. He was not handsome, but his body was very nice and he was very masculine. He stood quite close to me when we spoke and was quite tactile, touching me lightly several times on the forearm, shoulder, or chest.
My gaydar was totally confused. He had no wedding ring and seemed not to notice a very attractive young woman filling her convertible at a nearby island. Outwardly, in appearance or mannerisms, there was nothing about him that said "queer." I favor gay men who are very masculine, and actually thought my boyfriend was straight when I first met him, but the truck driver was even more of a mystery.
I am entirely monogamous so even if the truck driver was queer and desperately looking for an afternoon delight, that wouldn't have happened. Maybe he was just a gregarious straight guy. He made no overtures whatsoever except that he was very friendly. He remained a very hot mystery.
The hot amateur guy appearing in this post came from the fantastic Todd's Bear Blog.

sometimes the mystery is better than real life. I say make the story up on what happened later.
PS WOOF on the Man
Hey Will!
ReplyDeleteI`m a new reader/viewer of your blog, and I have to say that you have an interesting and good taste on masculine men.
Anyway, what is the story between you and your man? He was straight? So far, in my case I've met a few guys that make my gaydar go on wild confuse. Actually I'm trying to figure it out about this guy I recently met, he's a militar pilot, so, I think it's going to be a bit more difficult than the normal.
This stud is smokin' hot. WOOF
ReplyDeleteHi Omar and thanks for your nice compliment. My boyfriend is not straight. I just thought that he was when I first met him. I tease him that he's the straightest gay man I ever met. He dabbled with a few women when he was young, thinking that's what he should do, but he realized pretty early on that he liked guys, not girls. It's funny seeing women hit on him, though.
ReplyDeleteOh, I think your truck driver friend could be more than a bit friendly.
ReplyDeleteBack in the day, I was in the military. While I had a few flings, despite DADT, I demurred from several circumstances that, in retrospect, were clearly invitations. In the end, neither I or my new friend would make the irretrievable move.
The experience was a huge experiment in "how much of a vibe can you detect in an environment that forbids it." The answer is "alot."
So when I hear you say you were feeling a vibe with a touchy feely stud who just happened to pull up at the pump ;) next to you, the bleep on my gaydar starts pinging big-time ;).
nice looking man