26 June 2012

Bathing Beauty

People spend tens of thousands of dollars to upgrade their bathrooms, but if he's already in your tub, you needn't spend a dime. I've not found any other pictures of this bloke so I know nothing more about him, but one is nonetheless a bounty.


  1. Anonymous07:53

    Check out HotGymnast.com, that's his site.

  2. Anonymous10:54

    His bathroom could certainly do with a make-over. Still, I doubt if visitors would be looking very closely at the state of his tiles.

  3. That's Anthony from Hot Gymnist (hotgymnist.com),,,,he's a beaut!

  4. Anonymous08:46

    It's 'The Hot Gymnast'. He's got his own website and he does weekly live cam-shows which are a pretty hot ticket, trust me!


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