18 June 2012

Jane Has Left the Building

In light of the popularity the last time I posted a black-and-white collection, here's another batch to tempt you lads. I thought the next-to-last one might be Patrick O'Brien, and Google Images confirms I was correct. For some unknown reason, it also returned a picture of Jane Goodall as a "visually similar image."


  1. Anonymous09:24

    very, very HOT ... and YES, especially the one of Paddy o'Brien!!!

  2. Well, he's grabbed the monkey! What further explanation do you need?

  3. Anonymous02:00

    Les deux dernières me font triquer un max. Récemment O'Brien a changé de look : quasiment rasé partout, coiffé comme un jeune premier, il est nettement moins bandant. Mais c'était à prévoir, maintenant qu'il est une star, il fallait bien qu'il rentre dans les standards des studios. A real waste !


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