02 February 2015

Shiny Black Boots

Pedro and Daniel look as if they're a Tom of Finland illustration come to life. You have to wonder if that was the inspiration for this and other scenes from Bjorn, particularly his earlier work.

These two blokes were a couple when this shoot was done but they are no more. They always had such an intense passion when they were fucking on screen. But it can't be easy appearing in porn when you know your boyfriend is shagging other lads and you are as well.

The originals for these photos are larger than they appear below and total 64. To download the complete set for free, be sure to click here.


  1. Anonymous07:18

    M e entristecio que ellos hubieran terminado, hacían una pareja perfecta.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

  2. Anonymous09:57

    Gods amongst Men. Really.
    There was also a video, that I can't found anymore...

    1. Yes, some time back I posted the video here, but then the feed was later removed from Xvideos.

    2. Anonymous11:10


  3. Anonymous10:08

    2 of my all time favourites, Pedro has just made a return back to porn appearing with mega Russian hunk Dato Foland. KB's 'Love Addiction' which they both starred in is OFF THE CHARTS, as were any of the shoots they did for MAP. Actually they were hot in anything they appeared in!!! I wonder what Daniel is up to these days? Sigh...

  4. Anonymous00:06

    Try searching for torrents for this vid... I think it is called Pride 2


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