19 September 2016

Army Strong

Is this lad really active duty or a vet? Who knows. But he looks like he could be. He reminds me of the active duty privates and corporals I see sometimes in the airport on leave. They're not in uniform but are obviously still serving.

They sit by themselves, quiet and shy. They're muscled up and full of testosterone after being cooped up on military bases for weeks at a time. If they ask you for the time or if there's a snack bar in the terminal, they always pepper their language with a lot of "sir."

"Excuse me, sir, do you have the time?" Yes, I have the time for you, son. How about you follow me to this abandoned boarding gate and get down on your knees behind the check-in desk. Don't forget to swallow when I shoot my load.

The originals for these photos are larger than they appear below and total more than thirty in number. To download the complete set in a free zipped folder, be sure to click here.


  1. Well first young man, thanks for all you do, bravely protecting our freedom, etc. I respect & admire you, but I'm going to take a pass this time - stay safe! :)

  2. This man! Ohlala <3


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