11 May 2017

Life of Riley

The lad on the right goes by Scott in porn. He stands 5'8 and weighs 170. He's worked regularly for a number of the studios over the last three years. He usually bottoms but occasionally tops, as he does in this flip-flop scene here.

Now the producers of this set would like us to believe Scott is in college, but I'm not quite buying that. Scott is hot but looks a tad old for college. With that Marine haircut, he looks more like he's a few years out of college.

Scott's real-life boyfriend is a burly, older musclebear who only tops in porn. He and Scott have occasionally appeared in scenes together. I'm diligently searching for a video of the two together to feature here soon.

The originals for these photos are larger than they appear below and are part of a collection with sixty shots of Scott from two different shoots. In one he tops exclusively and in the other he both bottoms and tops (some of those are displayed here). To download the complete group with both shoots in a free zipped folder, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous06:06

    Talvez podría ser un encuentro de ex-alumnos.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta


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