Did you have this in your life? I did. I remember him very well. It was the first time I was with a man who really knew how to turn me on, who pushed all of my buttons. I came like I had never before, more than once, and I knew I wanted more of this from that point forward. No point in pretending any more to myself that I could ever be straight.
Both of these lads, Barton and Caspar, have been featured here before but not together. Barton is said to have awakened to his true sexuality only recently while Caspar is described as straight.
Barton seems like he's at that moment of awakening here in this photo set. He's with this big strapping stud who is really into him and just ringing his chimes the right way over and over. For his part, Caspar is not at that point yet, but I wonder, if he really thinks he's straight, whether this session will leave him with some doubts.
If you'd like to see Caspar's previous entries, click here, here, and here. To see Barton's previous entries, click here and here. All the download sets for all five of those entries are still live.
Today's pictures are larger than they appear below and number nearly three hundred in two different shoots with Caspar -- one is this flipflop with Barton and in the other Caspar bottoms for another lad. To download the complete collection in a free zipped folder, be sure to click here.

Excepcional.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta