03 September 2009

Reduced to Gibberish

I saw this photograph, and I was incommunicable for a few minutes. They are just so bloody hot, there's just nothing more I can add. Unfortunately, it's not the best quality file, although you can click it for a larger version.

If anyone knows anything more about these two blokes, please post in the comments section. I'm worried I'm in danger of blowing some kind of cerebral fuse imagining what it would be like if the two of them had at each other with full abandon in a marathon shagging session. I hope they're real lovers and not just two beefcakes tossed together for some porn shoot.


  1. Anonymous15:32

    They are both models for the MuscleHunks.com and Powermen.com websites. I especially like the very sexy older guy -- very hot videos online!

    Roger, New York City

  2. Guido18:46

    Older dude is Guy da Silva from Brazil. Younger dude is Fabrizio Ferro. This is from the Muscle Eden set on the Powermen site:


  3. DADDY and his boy - Get it going boy

  4. Anonymous15:19

    Fabrizio ferro is an Argentinan model...
    Guy da silva is a bodybuiler but dont know his real nAme but he has trully nice body B-)


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