17 September 2009

Shane, Come Back

This is Shane, a sometimes model and aspiring singer from Texas. I featured a photo of him before.

He's 30, 5'11", and 200 pounds. He's straight and extremely religious. His social networking profile includes various Biblical quotes about sexual immorality. He has a very hot older brother who's also very religious. The two of them played football together in college.

One has to wonder about Shane's past. He writes on his profile about how he and his brother "chose to seek to fulfill the desires of the flesh through sensuality and self-indulgence. The pit of sexual immorality held us captive, and it opened a gateway to many other lustful pleasures and improper ways of riotous living."

Oh my goodness.


  1. Touchstone07:40

    He's so fucking hot that I have to go pull one off right now.

    I can see why he had to give up sex: he wouldn't have any time to eat.

  2. he got passed around the steamroom plenty of times

  3. Anonymous08:41

    very sexy in the sunglasses photo.

  4. Oh my goodness, indeed! Love to know that history!!!

  5. LUCIEN17:30

    Straight - ha! Straight as a dog's hind leg .

  6. Touchstone: ha! I agree. Sometimes hotness is a curse. Poor fellow...

  7. Would've liked to have known him before religion corrupted him!

  8. what a waste. another soul misguided by religion - as if that is the answer. just substituting one illusion for another.

  9. Gakk! Now I can't think about anything but him and his brother being sinful together...


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