we are honored to be in their magnificent presence
27 December 2010
Marco well demonstrates you don't need a monster cock to be a hot man. He supposedly is straight, but he made an awful lot of gay porn for a straight lad. He retired around 2002. I wonder what he looks like today?
If you'd like to download a free set of thirty high-quality images of Marco washing his car, be sure to click here.
I know by most standards, Marco's dick does not fall into the "Monster Cock" catagory. But I think he's plenty big. He could still do a lot of damage with that thing. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm more concerned with a man's inner monster. And Marco could let his monster loose with me anytime.
his cock is just perfect, not really to do ny damage with but simply to give extreme pleasure, not long but gorgeously thick and with the hunk attached to it pure bliss
This blog is a celebration of masculinity, a tribute to the gods who walk amongst us. They are typically gorgeous, haughty, unapproachable, sometimes arrogant, and often unfortunately straight. They know we are watching them, but they usually ignore us. When they grace us with a smile, a slight nod, a word or two, we are exalted to be in their presence.
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I know by most standards, Marco's dick does not fall into the "Monster Cock" catagory. But I think he's plenty big. He could still do a lot of damage with that thing. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm more concerned with a man's inner monster. And Marco could let his monster loose with me anytime.
he can do my car any time. I could do him anytime.
his cock is just perfect, not really to do ny damage with but simply to give extreme pleasure, not long but gorgeously thick and with the hunk attached to it pure bliss