01 July 2013

Granddad's Photo Album

Imagine opening your grandfather's photo album, left to you in his will, and discovering some enclosed snaps like this one. The picture would intrigue me as I wondered who he was, but I'd also feel sad, too, because that would mean Granddad spent his entire adult life in the closet.

One of my grandfathers died before I was born so I never knew him. I've seen pictures of him when he was a young man, and he was quite the looker. My gaydar detector bleeps a bit every time I look at his photos.



  1. I love vintage stuff. It reminds me that whole generations of men enjoyed the pleasures of other men long before I was born. Somehow, that validates who I am.

    This is a hot man! I wonder if he's still around.

    Leo G.

  2. I'd track down Granddad's friend in the picture and try to find his grandsons.

  3. Anonymous00:29

    Wow, very good looking "granddad".


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