04 July 2013

The Red, White, and Blue

As a naturalized American citizen who is also a natural-born citizen of the UK, Independence Day is always a bit bipolar for me. Which side do I cheer for? I honestly love both countries. I think each has their strength and flaws, but I'm proud to be a citizen of both.

So today I'm cheering for the red, white, and blue. Whilst it is prominent in the American flag, the British flag also has the same three colors. Here are a few patriotic lads to help us celebrate.

Have fun today and take care if using fireworks. You don't want to blow off any necessary appendages.


  1. Paul06:27

    What a grand and glorious collection of pics of Old Glory! That first stud's ass has me seeing stars and I've been a long time admirer of Brock Yurich (#2). Happy Birthday USA!

  2. Anonymous07:31

    "Happy 4th" to everyone.

    Oh those hunky men, wear the American flag very well, I might add.


  3. Happy 4th to you and also my your Queen live a long and healthy life.


    PS These Men Are HOT

  4. Anonymous09:55

    Anyone out there in cyberland know who third guy down is??? (after Brock Yurik)

  5. Anonymous11:21

    1st guy, whoaaaa!!!

  6. Anonymous00:23

    First guy's ass has you hot and bothered??? Have you x-ray vision? Are you Clark Kent aka Superman, i'm impressed how you can see his ass through a thick bath towel, i wish i had that super power!

    Brock Yurik...ooohhhh B-r-o-c-k Y-u-r-i-k...ooooh....

  7. I too am dual-national US/UK and I too decided it was a red white and blue day!

  8. Anonymous12:10

    hope you had an AWESOME 4th!

  9. Paul12:11

    Geeze Anonymous, I didn't realize these guys had to be naked for us to appreciate their assets. Whether he's wrapped in a towel or not, yes, I like the looks of that first guy's ass. As my xray vision is not what it used bo be, fortunately I can still appreciate a guy with a hot ass I see on the street. And yes, I think Brock always looks smoking hot as well. Different strokes for different folks.

  10. Anonymous07:55

    I admired all these red, white, and blue men.. and I agree, I don't have to see a man totally bare-assed to enjoy his beauty and think he's HOT....

    Yes 11:21, I am with you dude, all the way. 00:23 has to "lightened up"..


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