27 June 2016

Yellow Rain

I know some of you lads like watersport porn because you've commented favorably about piss posts in the past. So here's a still photoset featuring Sam Barclay and Jace Tyler, both of whom appear quite tall.

Watersports can be very erotic. If you haven't tried it, it's not disgusting. The feel of your lover's warm piss on your body is like no other sensation.

Of course, like with all sex practices, consent is mandatory. You may also want to do it someplace where cleanup will not be an issue. When my boyfriend and I pissplay, we do it in the shower.

Many men cannot urinate whilst erect and I'm one of them. The lads in these photos do not have that problem. I must shoot a load and then soften before I can turn on the yellow rain.

The originals for these photos are much larger than they appear below and total thirty in number. To download the complete set in a free zipped folder, you'll want to click here.


  1. I've always wanted to piss on a guy but so far no luck. When I bring up the topic with guys I hook up, they get grossed out by it.

  2. Anonymous05:34

    Mi agüita amarilla.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta


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