13 November 2017

Clueless and Contemptuous

The New York Times published an absolutely excellent editorial yesterday (link here) about how Donald Trump is clearly quite ignorant about what's in the constitution and how he has little interest in learning, likely because he has outright contempt for this critically important document.

The piece quotes a political science professor at Brown University, who says: "his idea of the presidency is, he was elected and he can do whatever he wants. Trump tends to think of things in terms of real estate law -- ways to get around legal requirements rather than enforcing and promoting them. That’s scary, because we rely on a President to espouse the norms of the Constitution."

The editorial then lays out an indictment of sorts about the many ways Trump has both violated the constitution and how he has openly encouraged others to do so, too.

This editorial provide a template for all the ways Trump should be impeached, but unfortunately, gutless Republicans in Congress continually put party before country. Thus, much more pressure from the citizenry must be applied to surmount their stubbornness.

Read the linked piece. It's short and well worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous04:14

    El seƱor se cree el mas inteligente del mundo.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta


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