23 November 2017

Giving Thanks

I'll skip the politics for today. I'm both an American and British citizen, but London-born, so I've never really gotten too much into the Thanksgiving thing. My boyfriend is from Central Europe, where it's an unknown holiday.

I am nonetheless thankful for many things today: love, friends, health, and freedom. Notwithstanding the present political situation, I am thankful for being a citizen of two countries with great traditions of free speech, where anyone and everyone can criticize their elected officials without penalty.

And I'm also thankful to you, my readers, both regular and occasional. It's nice to know there are thousands of anonymous blokes out there, and a few ladies, with whom I can share my lusty daydreams and filthy images.

Have a blessed and safe holiday.


  1. Lets give thanks for Nyle DiMarco!

  2. Anonymous03:22

    Muy agradecido,muy agradecido, Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

  3. Anonymous19:30

    He's delicious looking!


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