16 October 2018

Lying in Plain Sight

Donald Trump has endlessly mocked Senator Elizabeth Warren for, according to him, falsely claiming that she has some Native American ancestry. He underscored his oft-repeated taunt by saying at several different times that he'd give $1 million to her charity of choice if she could prove her claim with DNA testing.

Yesterday, Senator Warren released DNA test results documenting that she's long been telling the truth -- she does have Native American ancestry (details here). With conclusive scientific proof in hand, she called on Trump to donate $1 million to a charity she named.

Within hours, Trump denied to reporters that he ever said he'd donate a million dollars, notwithstanding that he's made the donation promise more than once in events that were recorded on video.

That's Trump for you -- blithely steaming through a big fat lie even though conclusive video proof exists he said he'd donate $1 million.

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