02 November 2020

A Simple Question

Tomorrow is election day. If you've not already voted and are still undecided, or you know anyone who is still undecided, ask this question: are you better off today than you were four years ago?

The answer almost certainly is a resounding "no." America is sicker, weaker, more indebted, more beleaguered, more divided, and mired in high unemployment and worsening recession.

Why would anyone possibly think about voting for the man who is chiefly responsible for many of these problems and more?

The man up for reelection was hired four years ago to make life better for you and me and America. And he has failed miserably at that job. Why would anyone consider extending his contract for four more years?

Things got a lot worse for nearly all of us these last four years. Now imagine how much more horrible they will be if the man responsible is allowed to remain in office. He failed miserably. He should not be rewarded with a second term.

Vote. Him. Out.

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