Each lie/distortion/falsehood is documented and sourced with fact-checking links to show you the truth. Many of Trump's supporters only listen to him and/or Trump-friendly media, so sadly they're willingly allowing themselves to be spoonfed deceptive and fraudulent propaganda.
If Trump manages to stay in office through a full term, based on the rate he's been dissembling so far, he will have told more than 7,600 lies at the end of four years.
Some of Trump's lies are nuanced so they can't be directly refuted by factcheckers and thus not include in the linked website. Take, for instance, his claim to be pro-LGBT. As this blog has extensively documented with his actions, appointments, and associations, he's surrounded by so many LGBT-haters, it's difficult to see how anyone could still believe he's pro-LGBT.

Todo un rosario.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta