The institution has long been a lightening rod for controversy. Progressives are clearly not welcomed. Not long ago, for instance, the university revoked recognition of the College Democrats organization but not the College Republicans.
LGBT students, in particular, are not welcomed. More than ten years ago, the university banned all LGBT student groups.
Incoming students must sign a pledge not to engage in any same-sex activities or relations with any transgender person. Only "Biblically ordained marriage" between a man and woman is permitted for students.
Trump has long praised Liberty University. Given that he only pretends to be religious, one might conclude he's simply pandering, once more, to far-right conservative evangelicals.
He has spoken at Liberty before. He also offered the Education Secretary position to Falwell Jr., who declined.
So we're left wondering -- why is a man who claims he's pro-LGBT giving his first commencement as President to a stridently anti-LGBT institution?

This is such a none sense...
ReplyDeleteRidiculous to see that you have such retrograde universities.
Universiy is supposed to be a place to exchange ideas, experiment and make new ways of thinking.
In the word «university» there is the meaning of «universal ways of thinking» which was the main point in them since the middle ages.
Again, you're putting «religion» in ALL part of your way of living and that is making more divisive situations than making people to join together.
ALL the contrary of what should be to follow Jesus's main idea of a Christian way of living his faith.
More LOVE but must admit that it's bringing more HATE in USA......
No such thing up here in Canada.
Our universities aren't based of religion.
As a matter of fact, there is NO religion in our university system.