30 July 2018

Refilling the Swamp

An article in the Washington Post over the weekend (link here) underscores not only how Donald Trump is not "draining the swamp" in Washington D.C. like he promised, but in fact making it far swampier.

The linked piece in question deals with a smaller aid function of the U.S. government with 300 employees and an $800 million annual budget. Previously, most of the appointed positions were filled with highly technical people who had a specific expertise in funding underdeveloped countries.

No more. The experts were sent packing and replaced with Trump loyalists being rewarded with high-paying government jobs, like a 2016 college graduate with utterly no international aid experience and a former Congressional intern who graduate from college in 2018 and also has no international aid experience.

This travesty once again demonstrates how what Trump promised and what he delivered are two entirely different things. His promises were lies. And the reality is he's doing the opposite of what he promised to do.

Of course his supporters will never know this, but they can't be counted on to reverse their stance in the 2018 and 2020 elections. However this kind of crap needs to be brought to the attention of independent voters before these two important elections so that they can see the results are nothing like what everyone was told to expect.

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