19 September 2019

The Zombie Memo

Politico published a really interesting piece on Monday (link here) about how a legal memo drafted in 1974 in anticipation of Richard Nixon's impeachment is now being used against Donald Trump.

And the ironic twist to the story is that the memo was written in part by Hillary Clinton when she was still Hillary Rodham and a staff lawyer for House Judiciary Committee. And the second ironic twist is that the memo was used during the impeachment of Bill Clinton more than twenty years after it was drafted.

Whether or not Trump will be impeached before the election remains to be seen. I personally think the answer lies with the various court cases involving his attempts to ignore subpoenas and his directions to his staff to do the same.

If Congress prevails in these lawsuits, then Trump has no choice but to comply or be held in criminal contempt by federal courts. Still, that process could drag out, with nothing forwarded to Congress and no witnesses appearing. Thus, public support for impeachment might remain tepid at best.

But if all the subpoenaed material is finally provided and includes startling revelations, that could push public sentiment much further into supporting impeachment. And then the process could begin, with impeachment hearings concurrent to the presidential campaign. If that were to happen, we would have most interesting times indeed.

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