05 December 2019


In all candor, I don't think the hearings yesterday changed many minds. They were wonky and lacked the shock factor of the Intel Committee hearings.

Nonetheless, the three witnesses called by the Judiciary leadership made a more than compelling case that Donald Trump's actions were more than sufficiently egregious and dangerous to warrant impeachment.

This was the money quote of the day from one of the constitutional law experts: "If we cannot impeach a President who uses his power for personal advantage, we no longer live in a democracy. We live in a monarchy or a dictatorship."

There was also a key reveal yesterday in the opening statement from Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler: it now seems almost certain that Trump will face an article of impeachment for obstructing the Mueller investigation.

Nadler stated: "When his own Justice Department tried to uncover the extent to which a foreign government had broken our laws... Trump took extraordinary and unprecedented steps to obstruct the investigation, including ignoring subpoenas, ordering the creation of false records, and publicly attacking and intimidating witnesses. Then, as now, this administration’s level of obstruction is without precedent."

Mueller declined to determine if Trump obstructed justice because he believed government rules prevented him from doing so. But he clearly also punted the ball to Congress. Now, it seems, Congress will act.

I think it's critically important for Trump's Mueller obstruction to be one of the impeachment articles for two reasons. One, it kills the GOP lie that Mueller exonerated Trump. Second, it kills the GOP lie that the Democrats manufactured the Ukraine scandal when Mueller failed to indict Trump.

Republicans have no defense for Trump except to weave a tapestry of lies. So Democrats need to tear that down and go after him for his 2016 election crimes and his 2020 election crimes, too.

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