07 December 2020

Hero or Zero

Until recently, Donald Trump and his administration were promising delvery of 300 million Covid-19 vaccines by the end of this year.

Turns out the real number will be more like 35 to 40 million doses (details here) if even that.

What a surprise: Trump and his people making another grandiose promise that's nothing more than pie-in-the-sky fluff.

Remember his health care plan that was supposed to be better and cheater than President Obama's Affordable Care Act? Trump's been promising for more than five years that it's only a few weeks away. Considering he'll be out of office in six weeks, I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for that to ever happen.

As to whether the Trump administration will even be able to meet the 35 to 40 million doses by the end of this month remains to be seen. There are less than four weeks left until New Year's Day. Don't hold your breath for this one, either.

It would have been far better to under promise and over deliver instead of the opposite. Then he'd look like a hero instead of a zero.

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