17 December 2020

The Ultimate Con

Con artists usually run into serious trouble when they begin to believe their own scam. Donald Trump sounds like he's falling into this trap.

A piece from CNN yesterday (link here) written by five of their senior White House reporters reveals that Trump appears to now believe his own big lie — that he won the election and that massive fraud was committed.

"Efforts to convince Trump to accept his loss have run up against a President who seems to be increasingly entrenched in his denial of Biden's win," the piece reveals. "While Trump had begun to privately accept the reality that he lost the election late last month, advisers say Trump has now reversed and dug in deeper -- not only spreading misinformation about the election, but ingesting it himself. He's been fed so much misinformation that I think he actually thinks this thing was stolen from him."

And this anecdote shows how disconnected from reality he seems to be: "In his moments of deepest denial, Trump has told some advisers that he will refuse to leave the White House on Inauguration Day, only to be walked down from that ledge"

For someone who is all consumed by his public image, he doesn't seem to grasp that the idea of him being physically marched out of the White House at noon on Inauguration Day would be a humiliation that would be his final legacy to last for generations — a man who had completely lost his senses.

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