29 July 2019

The Hypocrite

Donald Trump went back to his racist playbook this past weekend and repeatedly attacked Elijah Cummings, who happens to be African-American and also chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, which has been conducting a number of investigations into the President and his circle (details here).

In one of his tirades, Trump lashed out at the Congressman for living in a "disgusting, rat and rodent infested" district.

The great irony of that is how Trump's restaurants have been repeatedly cited by health inspectors because of live rodents and live roaches found in the kitchens, alongside filthy prep areas and raw sewage seepage (details here). People who live in rodent-infested houses shouldn't throw stones.

And the President need not look far for the cause of rodents in the congressman's hometown: Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner owns thousands of substandard apartment units in the congressman's district, including those that have been repeatedly cited for rodent infestations (details here and here).

When Trump has lashed out at African-American elected officials in the past, he often uses the same sort of language about rat infestations, perpetuating the racist stereotype that all black people live in ghettos. In reality, the congressman's district has both above-average home values and above-average levels of education (details here), higher than many districts that voted for Trump.

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