07 January 2018

That Kind of Bar

Businessman Klein Kerr visits "that kind of bar" where he takes an instant liking to Dato Foland and, apparently just by exchanging longing glances, they end up getting down outside the loo. Bartender Seth Rogan isn't going to waste this opportunity and jumps in.

If you prefer watching this on the source website or to download your own free copy to keep, please click here.


  1. Anonymous03:33

    Seth WISHES he looked like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Sorry, couldn't resist.............

  2. Anonymous04:53

    La hora loca?....Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

  3. Seth Rogan?!? LOL, that's Rogan Richards

  4. Anonymous06:24

    The bartender is Rogan Richards, but now I'm imagining the actor Seth Rogan in the role....


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