07 August 2018


Buzzfeed published an interesting article yesterday (link here) yesterday that the pro-Donald Trump conspiracy theory QAnon is actually an elaborate hoax designed to make the President's supporters look even more like fools than they already are.

If you're not familiar with QAnon, Vox recently published a good explainer last week (link here).

Some QAnon highlights:

--The Russia investigation is not real but instead a cover story to distraction attention from the actual top-secret investigation being conducted by the partnership of Robert Mueller and Trump himself.

Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama were arrested months ago for running a giant international pedophile ring and are currently locked up in Guantanamo.

Republicans have deliberately lost important special elections in order to take down George Soros, a billionaire donor to progressive causes.

And on and on and on.

Like most conspiracy theories, it defies logic and common sense. And whether or not it was started as a hoax or by batshit loony people doesn't really matter.

Seriously, it sadly shows how many Trump supporters will believe anything, no matter how ludicrous, rather than simply believe the truth.

QAnon believers become more entrenched in their lunacy with each new development that proves the theory is horseshit. So the current criminal trial of Trump's campaign chairman Paul Manafort is simply explained away as an elaborate cover to distract people from the real, secret prosecutions. And the fact that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton still make regular public appearances is explained away by the simple explanation: those are simply lookalikes.

Attempting to break through to people who believe this kind of lunacy is an exercise in futility. No amount of careful logical explanations will convince them that up is not down.

Better to focus on swing voters and people who aren't sure if they'll show up at the polls this November. Those are the people to befriend and convince they must vote this fall.

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