29 August 2018

Unholy Roller

NBC News broke the story yesterday afternoon (link here) with the title "In closed-door meeting, Trump told Christian leaders he got rid of a law. He didn't."

The law in question is a prohibition against churches and charitable organizations from endorsing political candidates. That law was never repealed and is still valid and enforceable.

The event in question was Monday night. The conservative Christian clergy in attendence enthusiastically clapped Trump's brazen lie.

Now if they had paid attention in high school civics, they would have known that a President has no power to unilaterally repeal a law, like Trump claims he did. Perhaps some already knew this but chose to stand idly by while Trump disseminated his lies.

Also, Trump warned those in attendance that if Republicans lost control of the House and/or Senate in November of this year, per NBC, Democrats would "overturn everything that we've done and they'll do it quickly and violently, and violently. There's violence. When you look at Antifa and you look at some of these groups — these are violent people."

NBC also noted the following exchange: "At stake in the November midterms, Trump told the audience, are all the gains he has made for conservative Christians."

It's also worth mentioning at this point that most of these alleged Christians are stridently and hatefully anti-LGBT.

In a similar vein, the New York Times reported yesterday (link here) that Trump "urged religious leaders to use what he described as their newfound freedom of speech to campaign from the pulpit on behalf of Republican candidates." This, of course, is actually illegal, given Trump never unilaterally repealed the law in question.

Trump also commented about how one of the pastors in attendance, who happens to be a notorious anti-Semite, that "he’s the greatest leader for Christianity."

Trump then had various pastors come to the podium and speak about how wonderful he is. This is a tried-and-true Trump technique that he's also done with other visitors and even with his cabinet -- he praises himself, then has people step up and praise him publicly, too.

One might comment in closing how none of these alleged religious leaders, with all their divinity studies, have completely forgotten about the concept of a false prophet. Had they done so, they would recognize how they're bowing down to Trump, who fits all the qualifications of a false prophet.

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