I'm amazed Kavanaugh has not withdrawn his name from nomination. The fact that he seems to refuse to recognize the writing on the wall suggests a judge who's prideful and spiteful, two traits we certainly don't want to see in a Supreme Court justice.
Kavanaugh's support nationally has been historically weak since he was first announced and has only gotten worse. That has created a perfect storm of horrible options for the Republican party, a sentiment echoed in a good piece published yesterday on the political news and forecasting site Five Thirty-Eight (link here).
This is the least bad option the GOP faces right now: "Kavanaugh withdraws — and soon." Every new day that this saga plays out means another very bad news cycle for Republicans. There's a midterm election in less than six weeks, so every day that goes by where Kavanaugh isn't resolved means another day of very bad headlines for the GOP and more lost support.
The fact that both Trump and Republicans keep digging in on this nomination shows why they're not fit to lead the nation -- they're putting party before country and hurting both in the process.
Refusing to back down doesn't show strength. It shows a party rotten to its core.
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