15 January 2019

Eighteen Reasons

Republican Max Boot wrote an thought-provoking piece (link here) for the Washington Post over the weekend with the title "Here are 18 reasons Trump could be a Russian asset."

In spy speak, an asset is someone who provides intelligence or clandestine services, knowingly or unknowingly, voluntarily or under duress, to a hostile nation a la The Manchurian Candidate.

I must admit I have a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that Donald Trump is knowingly a Russian asset, that he would put the interests of a hostile adversary before the country of his citizenship. But it's easy to see how he could be compromised -- he owes hundreds of millions to Russian oligarchs.

Hence, this could be the reason he never criticizes Russia or Vladimir Putin. He doesn't want to see his loans called. Such an action could ruin him.

Read Boot's piece. It's not long but it will make you think every time you see Trump -- is it really true?

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