03 January 2019


Vox published a great short piece yesterday (link here) about how Donald Trump's messaging on the budget and his proposed border wall have been wildly inconsistent.

He insisted on shutting down the government so he could get initial funding for his wall. Yet he's also been saying the wall is essentially completed and that Mexico paid for it.

Sometimes he says he's secured the border. Other times he says the wall is desperately needed because the border is insecure.

He's taken himself hostage in order to fund a program that's strongly opposed by a majority of Americans and even a significant percentage of Republicans. Staking out a position like that, you'd think he'd at least get his message straight.

But then again, Trump has never been a very good liar. That's why it's so sad that people are still fooled by him. They still believe him every time he cries wolf.

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