04 March 2020


Before he ran for office, Donald Trump was a vaccine truther. He spouted all sorts of widely refuted nonsense about how vaccines cause autism and other debunked gibberish.

As President, however, he's become a big champion of vaccines, notwithstanding he made clear on Monday that he has not a clue about how they work. He even thinks that a vaccine for one malady can simply be substituted for another entirely different malady (details here or here).

Trump is gleefully ignorant. He brags about how he never reads books. That's why he has a seven-year-old's understanding of how vaccines work.

Trump loves to have videos of himself in meetings, as if that somehow makes him look busy and presidential. Perhaps that impresses his devoted followers who hang on his every word. To the rest of us, videos like the one linked above demonstrate he's a profoundly ignorant fool who is in way over his head.

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