The measure is being called Graham-Cassidy by the media, reflecting the two sponsoring senators. Because of a variety of rules, procedures, traditions, and laws, the Senate must either vote on or table the measure by September 30. If nothing passes by that date, the attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare will be delayed by at least until after the 2018 election.
On Wednesday, Donald Trump tweeted "I would not sign Graham-Cassidy if it did not include coverage of pre-existing conditions. It does! A great Bill. Repeal & Replace."
That is a massive lie.
Under Obamacare, health insurance companies cannot deny you coverage for an individual plan because you have a pre-existing health condition nor can they charge you higher rates. This is just like any employer-paid health insurance plan.
Now comes the big "but." Graham-Cassidy prohibits insurance companies from denying or continuing coverage because of pre-existing conditions, but the proposed bill allows them to charge anything they want for premiums and also to exclude presecriptions (details here).
So you have a pre-existing condition? Sure, we'll cover you. Your premiums will only be $8,000 a month! But you'll have to pay for that $5,000-a-month prescription out of your own pocket.
As a result, the proposed bill makes a joke out of pre-existing coverage. Unless you have affordable premiums, you have no choice but be uninsured.
People living with HIV will be particularly hard hit by this bill if it becomes law. Without health insurance, they may not be able to afford live-saving healthcare and prescriptions. Others with similarly serious medical conditions will also be condemned to misery and death.
Hence, that is Trump's massive lie exposed. He knows Graham-Cassidy is snake oil and he's trying to get people to swallow it.
If you haven't already, call, fax, or tweet your senators immediately and tell them to vote against this horrible bill. If you don't know who they are or their telephone numbers, the Senate directory will give you every name and number you need (link here).

This is such a nonsense from my Canadian point of view.
As I said many times here, so many countries in the democratic world are providing such a universal governmental healthcare to ALL their citizens.
No matter their health conditions, they provide FREE healthcare to ALL.
Here in Province de Québec, I NEVER paid for a doctor, a prescribed drug or a visit to a hospital for scans or an surgery which I had last July 19th.
All we pay is with our income taxe and the fee is included in it. Not so expensive which is around $500 Can/ year.
Here if your working you can enlist for a group healthcare protection which covers few other items like dentist or optometrist or chiropracters etc.
So USA not being able to have such a universal system for ALL its population is a real nonsense.
You're supposed to be the WORLD richest country and not able to have it.
You might stop spending on guns and armies and wars and, as «45» often says: "America First."