In the piece, he shows how Donald Trump is an outrageous hypocrite on the issue of criminal prosecutions. If you do something he doesn't like -- such as oppose him -- you should be locked up and put on trial, according to him.
This is exactly the sort of lawless behavior seen in dictatorships and quasi-dictatorships like Russia. If you speak out, you're locked up to silence you and then bogus charges are filed, followed by a hasty trial and quick conviction.
Equally, if you're a flagrant lawbreaker but say nice things about Trump or he likes you, then you should get a free pass. It doesn't matter if you've committed a score of felonies; you should walk free and be left alone.
This is precisely the sort of behavior we've seen in corrupt politicians like Richard Nixon. Criminal statues are only for people who you don't like and who aren't like you.
Read Rosenthal's piece. It's short but excellent.

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