If you recall, a few months back, Trump famously claimed on Twitter that Obama had bugged his offices yet provided utterly no evidence of this. He kept doubling down on the claim as did many loyalists in his administration.
At the time, most Republicans on Capitol Hill scoffed at the claim. And before he was fired, former FBI Director James Comey flatly said in Congressional testimony there was zero evidence to back up Trump's assertion, something that reportedly enraged the President.
Not surprisingly, Trump was curiously silent about the revelation last week from his own Justice Department. Not a rebuttal, not a counterclaim, not a peep.
That's Trump's typical behavior when caught red-handed in a lie -- he pretends it never happened.
Of course, a good percentage of his die-hard supporters probably still believe Obama wiretapped Trump Tower from top to bottom. Most Americans, however, realized long ago it was yet another shameless Trump lie.

Tipico de el. Amigo venezolano,Cucuta