26 September 2017

Don't Be Distracted

You likely read or heard about the controversy over the weekend about criticisms Donald Trump has made about protests during football games when the national anthem is played.

Axios published a short article about the contretemps (link here) and included a very good analysis at the end of why Trump is doing this now.

Simply put, he's trying to distract you and me from the fact that he'll likely suffer two humiliating defeats in the next few days: (1) failure of the Senate to pass Trumpcare and (2) failure of Trump's candidate in the Alabama special runoff election.

Trump has done this many times before -- trying to distract attention from his failures by deflecting to another, irrelevant controversy that he's created out of thin air on his own. He truly acts like a spoiled, emotionally damaged child.

Don't fall for it. Keep focused on the real issue: Trump's corrupt, failing presidency.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous06:31

    Es lo único que puede y sabe hacer.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta


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