In fact, of the forty-two named so far, only one is a woman. This continues Trump's practice of overwhelmingly nominating straight white men to key positions in his administration -- hundreds and hundreds of them.
In contrast, there are few women, very few people of color, and very, very few who are openly LGBT.
The nomination of almost entirely straight white men to US Attorney slots means prosecutions will be slanted toward issues that concern straight white men. And since future federal judges often come from the ranks of US Attorneys, that means more straight white male judges over the horizon.
The result is that women, people of color, and LGBT Americans are more marginalized, notwithstanding they collectively vastly outnumber straight white men.
You'd have to go all the way back to President Eisenhower's administration in the 1950s to find a White House so overwhelmingly white, male, and straight. Trump seems determined to yank America back to that era, when minorities were repressed, women were marginalized, and LGBT Americans were firmly hidden in the closet -- even though a large majority of people today have no interest in going there.
Such policies are not something we should see from someone self-professed to be the "best" President for LGBT Americans. But, of course, we long ago realized that was a lie.

Es tan obvia su política discriminatoria. Amigo venezolano,Cucuta