Notwithstanding their countries of origin, most of them have no memories other than living in America. Many of them do not speak the language of their native land and are all-but-Americans except for their immigration status.
Dreamers were allowed to stay legally in the United States by President Obama's administration under a program called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). When he campaigned last year, however, Trump vowed to deport all Dreamers, but since becoming President, he has publicly equivocated although more recently seemed to be leaning toward deportation.
It makes no sense to deport Dreamers. They pay taxes and contribute countless billions to the American economy. A significant majority of American citizens favor allowing Dreamers to stay.
To put it bluntly, the only reason for taking this action would be hate. Hate of foreigners. Hate of people with skin of a different color. Hate of "others."
I am now a United States citizen but was brought to this country as a ten-year-old child. Like many children that age, I had utterly no idea about immigration requirements. All I remember about entering the United States was some nice lady stamped some papers I had to carry.
I was always here legally, but I sympathize with Dreamers. They had no choice about coming to the United States when they were brought by families. Many of no memory of that event.
The same could have happened to me. Most Americans don't think of Brits living in the US as "illegals," but actually many of them are. I know quite a few of them.
Ending DACA or even allowing the program to sunset would be, quite frankly, un-American. This is a nation of immigrants. Many people over the years have entered the country illegally but became productive members of society.
Deporting Dreamers would be nothing short of cruel and vindictive. It would be a national disgrace.

Asi sin los falsos poderosos siempre desquitándose con los menos favorecidos.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta
ReplyDeleteWell said because those people are now productive adults and contribute to USA's economy and even social life.
ReplyDeleteSome were even helping Texas people to save them from the hurricane damages.
What I saw in Canada's news networks, they are around 800 000 Dreamers that could be in danger.
While we are welcoming already over 10 000 Haitian immigrants getting out of USA because «45» wants to end their temporary visas that Obama did after 2010 earthquake. IF Dreamers would suffer the same «hate» actions from «45» tomorrow, it'll be a real catastrophe to your country and for Canadian borders.
I wouldn't be surprise to see many of them seeking shelter in Canada.
Seems that my country is the REAL LAND of LIBERTY.
At the beginning of June, we've welcomed 31 Tchechen gay young men that were escaping from their country where they were mistreated by their government.
Yes, by banning Dreamers, USA will be a real disgrace in the regard of many democratic and civilized countries.
Where is that LOVE in such a Christian country and that we saw in hurricane Harvey lately.
Is it just for «REAL» Americans denying the same LOVE if it's for ALL the other humans?
Just saw the news this morning from the voice of Jeff Sessions....
ReplyDeleteWhat a SHAME in USA repealing the DACA directive. «45» did announced it with Jeff Sessions not brave enough to do it himself. Never USA had such a coward president.
800 000 people contributing to USA's economy and social life as REAL Americans.
USA isn't a REAL Christian society by acting that way.
HATE is the new law in USA except for those who are REAL Americans like Arpaio.
ALL the White House messages are clear: WE HATE LATINOS and IMMIGRANTS.