Some highlights:
--A majority of voters say Trump is not fit to serve as President.
--A majority disapprove of the job he's doing as President.
--A majority say he is not honest.
--A majority say they're embarrassed to have him as President.
--A majority disapprove of the way he's handling race relations, including a majority of white voters.
--A majority say he does not have good leadership skills.
--A majority say he does not care about average Americans.
--A majority say he does not share their values.
--A large majority, two out of three, say he is not level headed.
--A very large majority, nearly seven out of ten, say he should stop using Twitter.
"There is no upside," said an official with the Quinnipiac poll. "With an approval rating rating frozen in the mid-thirties, his character and judgement questioned, Trump must confront the harsh fact that the majority of American voters feel he is simply unfit to serve in the highest office in the land."
Trump likely could turn some of these numbers around quickly by changing his behavior. As the old saying goes, however, a leopard does not change his spots, and Trump has a long history of being rigidly inflexible and refusing to mend his ways.
We need a President who unites America, not divides it, and who acts in America's best interests, not in his own best interests.

This poll shows ALL of the American contradictions.
ReplyDeleteA majority of your population voted for Hillary but it was Trumpty Dumpty that was put in office by a twist of your electoral grand electors institution.
It's more than time that USA becomes a REAL democracy to install universal voting system.
You've elected a non fit president and now you're stuck with him without being able to control him or taking him out of office.
Now that «HE» is president, «HE» will do what ever he wants without any concern for real middle class Americans.
«HE» thinks of «Making America Great Again» but by his politics and actions «HE» is doing the opposite.
«45» makes USA going backwards showing the rest of the world that USA only cares for itself and is baffling the face of other countries.
Specially us, Canada, in outrageously questioning all of our long time friendship and jeopardising our commercial exchanges.
Many (35) USA states are trembling too in regard of «HIS» selfish «Buy American» politics.
It's time to get rid of this moron.
La voz del pueblo es la voz de Dios.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta