It now appears as many as six Republican Senators could vote "no" and possible more. That would give them no more than forty-six votes, and that's not enough -- this measure needs at least fifty to pass.
At the same time, the bill's sponsors amended the proposed legislation over the weekend with state-specific sweetners in an attempt to turn some "no" votes into "yes." So this is becoming a real cliffhanger.
If you are at all interested or concerned about this issue, CNN is hosting a live town hall tonight featuring the two senators who sponsored this horrible bill debating Independent Senator Bernie Sanders and Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar (details here). The debate is scheduled to begin at 9 p.m. ET, at 6 p.m. PT.
The link I provided above has details about streaming on other platforms.

It could be very informative to hear this debate on CNN.
ReplyDeleteI saw and interview of Bernie Sanders on CNN not a lot time ago where he was questioned about his book.
He then mentioned that he couldn't understand (as I do also) how USA cannot provide a UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE to ALL Americans. He said that as a Canada's neighbor living in Vermont, he knows all about our Canadian healthcare system.
He underlined also that your way of providing some «mercantile» health care is making richer those insurance companies and that it's not really affordable to ALL Americans.
Those insurance companies can refuse protection IF the people are already ill or in medical bad condition.
OR the fees will be astronomical too.
WHY the wise voice of Bernie Sanders isn't making USA government act in the best interest of ALL American's health?
Money, money, money is more the USA god than God itself.
Which «GOD» is now blessing America ?
This is a hell of a way to be dealing with something as important as health care. In fact, this is a disgrace--but that's not news.