07 September 2020


There will be a bumper crop of books between now and the election about Donald Trump. The big one this week will be Disloyal: A Memoir: The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump , written by Michael Cohen.

This, of course, is the book Trump and his minions tried and failed to silence by forcing Cohen to sign an agreement not to publish anything before the election and, when that didn't work, threw him in prison.

A number of media outlets have received advance copies of the book and, starting yesterday, began publishing the juiciest of them. Helpfully, a writer at Daily Kos collected together many of them (link here).

Many direct Trump quotes that Cohen supplies have the President speaking contemptuously about someone or some group. These are entirely believable considering Trump speaks this way in public on a daily basis. An example directly quoting from the book:

"Trump held a meeting at Trump Tower with prominent evangelical leaders, where they laid their hands on him in prayer. Afterward, Trump allegedly said: 'Can you believe that bullshit? Can you believe people believe that bullshit?'"

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