29 September 2020

More Revelations

Last night, the New York Times published another investigative article (link here) on Donald Trump's taxes.

This one focuses on how his tax returns reveal his absolutely dire financial situation right before he was brought on board to host the reality show that ultimately became a springboard for his presidential run. If it wasn't for that television program, he would have slid into personal bankruptcy and lost everything.

In short, as a real estate investor, Trump was and still is pretty much a failure and drowning in debt. What money he has had is from the reality show and things that spun off from it. Indeed, the program netted him $427 million — $197 million for appearing on the show itself and an additional $230 million in income that was a direct result of appearing on television.

He is, essentially, famous for being famous. Like nearly all reality TV "stars."

In the beginning of the article, Trump's original voiceover from his reality TV show begins with him saying "I used my brain, I used my negotiating skills and I worked it all out. Now, my company is bigger than it ever was and stronger than it ever was."

That, of course, was a gigantic lie, as the Times makes clear with this statement: "It was all a hoax."

Trump was never really a successful businessman. He was a successful con artist. He has lied his whole life about what he's done, as his niece Mary Trump makes abundantly clear in her explosive book.

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